Flexible has a sortable ajax powered multimedia gallery that smoothly loads gallery items that can be sorted into different categories without reloading the page. It also has a regular gallery with 2 display options: fullscreen swipe or popup lightbox mode. Users can toggle to fullscreen mode by clicking on the fullscreen button and pressing escape key to exit the fullscreen mode. Fullscreen is a responsive, photo gallery WordPress theme from Themify thatREAD MORE
You have 7 days after receiving the package if you are not satisfied with the ordered product (s). Select the replacement part from our web store, send an email to tlcnailandbeauty@gmail.com and return the product with your invoice. You can bring the product to our premise in-person, 49 lodge lane Grays , Essex RM17 5RZ. United Kingdom. To validate the exchange, please keep the invoice and do not remove the product priceREAD MORE
RECEPTION: TLC Nail and Beauty Training – 49 lodge lane Grays , Essex RM17 5RZ Monday – Sunday: 08:00 – 21:00 (We will send you the exact information about the pick-up option by e-mail) Royal Mail courier service: £4.50 Delivery time: 2-4 days One package max. weight: 50 kg